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I’ve grown here, starry-eyed and dreaming. / A tree shaded the grass I laid on, / Reading books in the summer sun. / The second home I’ve ever known. 

And although the sun  / may not shine directly on you, / don’t you dare forget that  / you have the moon. 

Because the truth is we only have each other / when the sky goes dark, and the night is black / and all we can see is the skyline of Chicago. 

We gaze upon Mother Nature’s face at every turn. / She smiles back through every glimmer of the river, / and through every inhuman screech that dwells in the woods. 

I would light up like a carnival. / Catchy tunes blocked out by horror / as I parade around in my own darkness. 

I don’t know / the first time / I hated you / maybe / it was the way I / had stomach rolls / and other girls / had bikini bodies / 

Suspended in motion by / the weight of imagination, / burdened with being the only / one with this knowledge. 

Every mirror I look into looks back at me differently, / something to do with an infinite possibility. 


The water gleams. A Caribbean-blue rainbow of teal, cobalt, and indigo. / I am in Heaven. 

Red rivers flow, and fog glazes her eyes. / Two sockets sunk like craters in the sky. / Her pale, dull face numb and dry. /

I have a thought, but it eludes me. / I find it, catch it, then I fumble— / It slips out of my grasp, spills, shatters like a cup of tea. 

I saw it on the TV last night: /

they built their towers of dollar bills in the sand, / took a joyride into space, rocketed into the stratosphere, / and watched the world grow small beneath their weightless feet. 

I pick at the skin around  

my nails, a replacement for biting  / them, and sometimes I am surprised to  / find my skin still soft. 

You say you’re sorry that I’m Deaf. / It’s rude somehow, I must confess. / Our world is made for people like you, / All things designed with sound, it’s true. 

My hands tremble whenever /
I have too much caffeine or / I think too much. 

The same shoulders shake 

as jokes tumble down them, / sending laughter, like / landslides, / into the next generation. 

I am lost in the unforgiving world, forgotten, / made to lose. Like the cherry blossom— / longing and / shame shed from my branches, rotten. 

I blink and there it is. / Carried by the gust is a tiny butterfly. 

They never hatch. / Countless suns wrap around them, / yet they remain still. 

I visited the graveyard of roses today. / Where 1,270 new roses were planted, / one for every second of the day. 

Skin shades of supermarket lemons, and if you / were to lick it, you would taste how sour it is / to be yellow under white stars and red stripes. 

she burned / me with the spark struck between us 

thirteen years of peace before girls started pointing out / how your skin wrinkles as it stretches your legs— 

Rainbows have formed from the light that has passed through your / old soul. 

I don’t hear voices / there is only one voice / it is my voice / yes / my voice spoken aloud 

Strong willed with a fighter’s mentality, / but minds weighed down by stress and worry / that others will never / see. 

The rooster crows, but there is no heavenly dream to awake from, only a hellish nightmare. 

River Bluff Review © 2021. Creative work © their respective authors. Proudly created with The views expressed are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, the SIUE English Department, or the editorial staff of River Bluff Review.



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