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Find the Beauty

Koren Frideres

Quiet. Only our chatter fills the air around us. 

Blanketed in by the lush trees  

bits of red and orange tease fall’s approach. 

The bench upon the lookout allows us  

to believe we are a part of this still life. 

We gaze upon Mother Nature’s face at every turn. 

She smiles back through every glimmer of the river, 

and through every inhuman screech that dwells in the woods. 


He sits beside me in quiet amazement. 

His passion for life is truly intoxicating. 

My eyes blind to the area’s splendor 

for it was a sight I’d gazed upon before. 


Suddenly he stops and calls my name. 

My eyes trace his movements as I see him point into the landscape. 

His tone laced with giddy, 

he urges me to look over there. 

My eyes peruse the landscape. 

What was he pointing to with such vigor? 


My eyes devour every detail of the terrain 

as I solve the mystery he has presented. 

Perhaps he was talking about the fallen trees in the water. 

They fought valiantly against the current, 

leaning against one another for support. 


Or maybe he was looking at the collection of twigs and leaves  

weaved and packed together to burrow little birds— 



I continued to eagerly guess, 

determined to achieve his same vision, 

but I look over in vain.  

He smiles and explains it to me. 


He gave me the chance to discover it for myself. 

He guided me and helped me renew my vision. 

As I searched the landscape, I found beauty in so many places, 

and isn’t that the point— 

to find beauty no matter where you are? 

I’ll admit, it’s easier to do in a place of such grandeur as this, 

but he encouraged me to see like him. 

So, I will continue to do as he taught me, 

and find the beauty. 

Contributor's Note

Koren Frideres is a senior studying English and minoring in Mass Communications. She looks forward to exploring the world through poetry, as it inspires her in unlikely ways. This poem is dedicated to her cousin, Jake, who helped her "Find the Beauty."


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