Ward of Womanhood
This body belongs to Mother Nature
Who forces me to bleed 
(In a society who insists on keeping it a secret).
This body belongs to "Justice" Clarence Thomas
Who believes I do not need a Plan B
So that I can protect plan A
This body belongs to the Supreme Court
Who believes it is up to the state 
This body belongs to MOOK
To determine how it renders
                                 creates life.
They force it to birth 
They force it to feed 
They force it to fight 
In exchange for my life
This body does not belong to me.
Nicole Dixon
Nicole Dixon is currently pursuing an MA in English Literature, and aspires to publish a chapbook that focuses on color in unconventional ways. When she’s not doing homework, reading, or writing you can find her at the movies, an ocean, or most likely the library.